Wood Technology is an exciting package for the new Junior Cycle Wood Technology course. It has been written by Michael Cross, our highly experienced and successful author, specifically for the new specification and covers the entire course in a logical easy-to-use format.
The new Wood Technology package includes:
- Student Textbook
- Free Student Activity Book
- Free Student e-Book
- NEW Teacher’s Resource Book
- Free Digital Resources
Student Textbook
- Comprehensively covers the entire course in a logical, easy-to-use format
- A fresh, modern design with a student-friendly layout, colourful graphics and fully labelled diagrams
- Learning intentions provided at the beginning of each chapter are linked to the new Junior Cycle specification
- Keyword boxes accommodate mixed-ability groups
- Independent, paired, and group activities throughout the book enrich students’ understanding of material through the development of communication skills
- End-of-chapter questions can be used for homework and revision
- Weblinks to relevant websites and videos provide additional research and information
- Wood science and materials section gives a comprehensive overview of timber production and the properties of the materials students will encounter in the Wood Technology classroom
- Principles and practices introduces the tools and techniques used throughout the year
- Chapters on sketching and drawing prepare students for creating their own designs
- Designing, planning and reporting chapter offers a step-by-step guide to the design process and project portfolio preparation
- A project section guides students through analysis, investigation, brainstorming, designing, drawing, planning, and evaluation over the course of six projects

Student Activity Book
- Contains extra activities to accompany key chapters
- Updated sketching and drawing worksheets develop key drawing, design and communication skills
- Suggested project planning templates aid research, design development and reflection
- Project portfolio examples assist in preparation and presentation of students’ own project portfolios
Teacher’s Resource Book
Wood Technology Teacher’s Resource Book is the first of its kind to provide all the support you need to teach the new Junior Cycle course. It contains:
- A suggested yearly plan outlined by month to suit your requirements
- Project ideas and guidance on the Classroom-based Assessments (CBAs)
- Project-planning templates that can be used in the classroom
- Sample projects and joints (SolidWorks® Files)

Digital Resources
Teachers can access the Wood Technology interactive e-book at www.edcolearning.ie/code, plus a bank of free digital resources, including:
- Editable lesson plans to aid teacher planning
- PowerPoint presentations that cover key topics and aid revision
- Printable worksheets
- A range of videos to enhance student engagement
- A comprehensive list of weblinks as an additional resource
FREE e-book
- Students and teachers can download their free Wood Technology e-book by visiting www.edcolearning.ie/code and entering the code from inside the front cover of the textbook.